From the Principal’s Desk

Our motto is to prepare the students for a better understanding of the world around them by giving them opportunity to become competent to cope with challenges of the modern time. Founded in August, 1989, the college is celebrating 30th year of its establishment. Since its inception, the college is known for its holistic education. Our college has made efforts to achieve quality in higher education through following the guidelines issued by the department of higher education M.P. in a booklet entitled Quality Management in Higher Education where emphasis is given on change. Change is the keyword and our college is also transforming to changes taking place in academics and management. Education in modern time requires study of not only academic subjects but training in terms of soft skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and communication proficiency. To achieve this, the college is monitoring many programmes from its different specified Cells. Career Guidance Cell and Personality Development Cell are doing well according to the calendar issued by the higher education department M.P. Extension activities for community development include Gender, public health, education, environment and other development concerns. NSS unit of the college is doing very well in this regard. The college strives to maintain an open and interactive environment for fulfillment of the mission of the college.
All stakeholders are actively encouraged to participate and voice their perspectives for effective decision making and policy formulation. The staff and faculty work zealously to comprehend and articulate rapid changes in the academic structure and functioning of the college. I remind the lines of Reinhold Niebuhr “ God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” I congratulate all faculty members, employees and students, who have achieved excellence and performance in the academic arena during the previous academic years. I expect all the students to improve further in achieving greater performance to fulfill the dreams and expectations of their parents and teachers. I sincerely hope that the students will make the best use of opportunities to become competent professionals, entrepreneurs and last but not the least, great human beings. In the end I would like to conclude with Robert Frosts’ lines: The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.